Membership fees 

Full annual membership

Half year membership

Overseas membership

Half year overseas membership

£20.00 due 1st January

£12.00 due 1st  August

£24.00 due 1st January

£16.00 Due 1th August

Please make cheques payable to  Period and classic caravan club.

To join, click on link below, print off form, fill it in and send to the address on the form, with payment and an A5 self addressed envelope with large letter stamp

Joining Form Download


Barbara Carwood

Telephone: 01299 871868

Email via information request form.

Please send forms to

address on the joing form

You will need Adobe reader to view the joining form pdf file.


Club rules

  1. Caravans / camper vans built before 1980
  2. For members to have public liability insurance, membership subscription must be paid by 1st January each year.
  3. Read all the terms and conditions on show entry forms when applying to attend events and comply with all when you attend.
  4. Caravan pitches must have 6 metre ( 19 feet ) gap
  5. Please have a marked fire bucket outside your caravan and have a fire extinguisher
  6. Caravans and pitches should be presented clean and tidy and if at a show be on view for the public during show open hours.
  7. Please put safety first and take pride in showing your caravan.
  8. The committee and rally stewards reserve the right to enforce this code
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